The human side of automation

The human side of automation

We are the idea of our projects,
The mind of the machines we design,
the human side of industrial automation


The idea

We are the IDEAS of our PROJECTS

We design dedicated high-tech solutions through our experience, knowledge and competitiveness in the market. We gather our clients’ needs, analyze them, study them, and make them our own to give concrete and customized solutions.

Infomotion SRL was founded in 1993 by the resourcefulness of Alberto Benuzzi, founder and current CEO of the company.

For more than 30 years, Infomotion has operated in the world of industrial automation, providing customized hardware and software solutions.

Infomotion currently has offices in Italy in Campogalliano (MO) and in the United States in Charlotte, North Carolina.

History and innovation


Alberto Benuzzi founded Infomotion, which began as a software house, where production focuses mainly on software for industrial automation.

In 10 years from 20 employees we have grown to 85:


employees in administration


in electrical CAD design


in the production department


in software programming

Creation of first production unit aimed at assembling and making electrical panels.

from 0
at 0


Creation of first production unit aimed at assembling and making electrical panels.


Infomotion INC. is born.

In an ever-changing market, Alberto’s son Andrea Benuzzi lands in America, bringing the world of Infomotion to Charlotte, North Carolina.

Inauguration of Infomotion’s new operational headquarters a few meters from the historic one, also in Campogalliano (MO).



30 years of activity!
Numerous goals have been achieved and as many are to be conquered in the future.

30 years of activity! Numerous goals have been achieved and As many are to be conquered in the future.

We reach the goal of 100 people.

Infomotion’s production department number is also inaugurated: 4,000 square meters divided into three bays.
New spaces, larger, more innovative, in line with new business needs.

Infomotion today


In the new 4000sq.m. production facility inaugurates the Mechanical Division
which will be added to the Electrical Division.
A new department that enriches the services offered, carrying out the activities of  assembly and mechanical completion of industrial plants.


In the new 4000sqm production facility, it inaugurates the Mechanical Division in addition to the Electrical Division.
A new department that enriches the services offered, carrying out the activities of assembly and mechanical completion of industrial plants.


The mind

We are the MIND of the machines WE DESIGN

Software Programming

Through the use of the most advanced technologies, we develop software applications for industrial automation on PC, PLC, SCADA and HMI platforms, depending on different needs.

Electrical CAD design

We are able to design, dimension and draw the wiring diagram in order to meet the customer’s needs with a complex project, meeting the main industry standards.

Switchboard and machine board manufacturing

We manufacture industrial switchboards for machines and automatic systems, make control cabinets and on-board systems for the industrial automation sector.

Automatic machine production

We are able to build plants of high complexity in terms of both technical and logistical commitment, handling machines of more than 10,000 components.


The human side


Alberto Benuzzi

Always present in the world of industrial automation, Alberto after the closure of the company where he worked in Modena as an employee, reinvented himself by creating his own company.

Thus Infomotion was born.

Our team consists of young, dynamic people who are ready to get involved and grow professionally.
are the three basic elements for being able to operate in the world of industrial automation.

At Infomotion these skills are combined with the possession of strategic soft skills, such as:
adaptability, flexibility, the ability to work in a team, and problem solving

The broad portfolio of clients operating in a variety of industries, from automotive to logistics, from wood to glass, from packaging to metalworking, allows all employees to accrue a diverse and versatile background of experience and knowledge.

Given these characteristics, the work environment is found to be dynamic and challenging, characterized by collaboration, sharing, seriousness, reliability, transparency and confidentiality.

Electrical CAD


Quadristic design, switcboard and automatic machine manufacturing

Software Programming

One man can be a crucial part of a team, but alone does not make a team

CEO - Senior Software Developer

Andrea Benuzzi

We fly to America, from Alberto’s dream to Andrea‘s, Infomotion conquers North Carolina. A team of Italians, already part of the company back home, decided to share the dream overseas. From father to son, our determination knows no bounds.

Lead Software Developer

Software Developer
The opening of a U.S. office arose from the need to stand by our overseas clients, to offer them personalized and quality service on par with that offered by the Italian office. Being present in the U.S. territory, alongside our clients, in fact allows us to better manage every aspect of the project, from the technical to the purely logistical ones.

Infomotion Inc., however, is much more than that: it is the result of our determination to bring to the American territory the winning strategy born in Italy and the European culture of work. The intention is to expand the activities we carry out for our clients by not limiting ourselves to software development alone, but also by spreading our expertise in electrical and mechanical matters, thanks to the help and support of our colleagues in Italy.

Currently working in Infomotion INC. is a diverse group of professionals including four Italian Lead Software Developers, trained in Italy at Infomotion, and 6 American technicians.

At Infomotion INC., each new team member is mentored by the most experienced technicians through customized training that is responsive to business needs.

At Infomotion INC. we support and encourage constant discussion among our employees, which is the key to the company's success: it is only through the exchange of information and experience that each team member is able to grow both humanly and professionally.

We believe in our customers

Every customer for Infomotion is special, unique!

Our values


We empathize with our client in order to best understand his or her needs, goals and the results he or she intends to achieve through our services.
Our goal coincides with that of our client enterprise.


We study the solutions to be proposed to the client, analyze and test them with a view to continuous evolution and progress.
The way we operate is open, transparent and in line with the confidentiality constraints typical of outsourcing.


Through listening and studying customer needs, we are able to provide highly customized and personalized solutions with high technological content.


We value our relationship with our clients with whom we seek to establish authentic and transparent relationships in order to offer them a unique and exclusive service.
There is no greater satisfaction than to earn, day after day, their trust and gratitude.


We stand by our clients in all phases of the project, from initial study and analysis to final testing and start-up.
We also provide significant after-sales support.

Man and machine, human intelligence and computer science, history and innovation:

Registered office

C.Fisc./P.IVA 02294780362
Via Aldo Moro, 9/C
41012 Carpi (MO)

Operating locations

XXV July Street 6
41011 – Campogalliano (MO), Italy

Production site

New Street 1
41011 – Campogalliano (MO), Italy

Copyright © 2024 Infomotion - All Rights Reserved. Share Capital € 10,400.00 iv


Attraverso l’utilizzo delle tecnologie più avanzate, sviluppiamo applicativi software per l’automazione industriale su piattaforme PC, PLC, SCADA e HMI, a seconda delle diverse esigenze. Tale attività viene svolta da personale altamente qualificato che, operando all’interno dell’azienda e/o presso la sede del cliente finale, si occupa di progettare software per:

Basandoci su un processo di sviluppo, che prevede l’acquisizione e l’analisi delle specifiche del cliente, lo studio e la realizzazione dell’applicazione, una serie di test in sede, la messa in servizio presso il cantiere e il collaudo finale in produzione, possiamo validare il progetto in totale corrispondenza dei requisiti di commessa.

In un momento in cui la digitalizzazione è un processo imprescindibile, poiché permette la competitività nell’industria, abbiamo affiancato alla progettazione software un servizio di outsourcing, in grado di accelerare la realizzazione dei progetti e di garantire il raggiungimento degli obiettivi con costi diretti contenuti.


Grazie ai principali strumenti ECAD, tra cui SPAC Automazione e EPLAN, siamo in grado di progettare, dimensionare e disegnare lo schema elettrico al fine di fornire soluzioni in grado di soddisfare le esigenze dei nostri clienti, rispondenti alle normative di settore.

Il nostro reparto elettrico è strutturato in modo da seguire a 360° le esigenze del cliente, procedendo secondo tappe specifiche:


In 30 anni di attività ci siamo specializzati nella produzione di quadri elettrici industriali per macchine e impianti automatici, realizzazione di armadi elettrici di comando e impianti a bordo macchina per il settore dell’automazione industriale.

Una volta che il quadro elettrico viene progettato dal nostro team di progettisti elettrici, i nostri cablatori realizzano il vero e proprio quadro elettrico, a partire dall’assemblaggio per poi passare al cablaggio di tutti le componenti necessarie per il corretto funzionamento dell’intero impianto. Infine, i nostri tecnici curano l’installazione degli impianti a bordo macchina, così come il cablaggio di intere linee produttive.

Sia la pianificazione che la realizzazione dei cablaggi sono eseguiti secondo gli standard normativi internazionali. Per noi, che lavoriamo per importanti produttori di macchine automatiche, è indispensabile soddisfare tutti i requisiti normativi, come IEC e, per il mercato nordamericano, UL/CSA.


Questa attività, unita al resto dei servizi Infomotion, ci consente di fornire impianti completi fino alla loro messa in servizio e collaudo presso il nostro stabilimento.

Siamo in grado di realizzare impianti di elevata complessità sia dal punto di vista tecnico che di impegno logistico, gestendo macchine da oltre 10.000 componenti.

Durante le fasi di assemblaggio, offriamo analisi e valutazioni al fine di proporre migliorie che concorrono a raggiungere una maggiore qualità del risultato finale con particolare attenzione agli aspetti di design for assembly (FDA).

Inoltre, ci relazioniamo con i diversi interlocutori del cliente coinvolti nel progetto, come l’ufficio acquisti, il responsabile di produzione o l’ufficio qualità.

Disponiamo di un’area produttiva di 4000 mq opportunamente attrezzata con carriponte e sistemi di movimentazione per carichi pesanti.

Abbiamo organizzato l’intera area produttiva dividendo le zone dedicate al montaggio dei gruppi meccanici dalle zone di assemblaggio dell’intera macchina. Ogni zona è servita da banchi lavoro e adeguata attrezzatura per svolgere le attività in sicurezza e ordine.



Through the use of the most advanced technologies, we develop software applications for automation industrial on PC, PLC, SCADA and HMI platforms, depending on different needs. This activity is carried out by highly qualified personnel who, operating within the company and/or at the end customer’s site, is responsible for designing software for:

Based on a development process, including acquisition and analysis of the customer’s specifications , study and implementation of the application, a series of on-site tests, commissioning at the site, and final testing in production, we can validate the project in total correspondence with the job requirements.

At a time when digitization is an unavoidable process, as it enables competitiveness in industry, we have coupled software design with an outsourcing service, which can speed up the implementation of projects and ensure the achievement of goals with low direct costs.


Using the main ECAD tools, including SPAC Automation and EPLAN, we are able to design, dimension and draw the wiring diagram in order to provide solutions that meet the needs of our customers, complying with industry standards.

Our electrical department is structured to follow the customer’s needs all-around, proceeding according to specific stages:

Switchboard and machine board manufacturing

In our 30 years of business, we have specialized in the production of industrial switchboards for machines and automatic systems, realization of control cabinets and on-board systems for the industrial automation sector.

Once the switchboard is designed by our team of electrical designers, our wirefitters make the actual switchboard, starting with the assembly and then moving on to the wiring of all the components necessary for the proper operation of the entire system. Finally, our technicians take care of the installation of on-board equipment, as well as the wiring of entire production lines.

Both planning and implementation of wiring harnesses are carried out according to international regulatory standards. For us, working for major automatic machine manufacturers, it is essential to meet all regulatory requirements, such as IEC and, for the North American market, UL/CSA.


This activity, combined with the rest of Infomotion’s services, enables us to supply complete plants up to their commissioning and testing at our plant.

We are able to build plants of high complexity in terms of both technical and logistical commitment, handling machines of more than 10,000 components.

During the assembly stages, we offer analysis and evaluation in order to propose improvements that contribute to achieving a higher quality of the final result with special attention to design for assembly (FDA) aspects.

In addition, we liaise with the client’s various stakeholders involved in the project, such as the purchasing department, the production manager or the quality department.

We have a production area of 4000 square meters properly equipped with overhead cranes and heavy-duty handling systems.

We organized the entire production area by dividing the areas dedicated to assembling the mechanical units from the areas for assembling the entire machine. Each area is served by workbenches and adequate equipment to carry out activities in safety and order.